Making Kin: Ecofeminist Essays From Singapore

This book cover was created for Ethos Books, titled ‘Making Kin: Ecofeminist Essays from Singapore’

These stories contemplate and recentre Singapore women in the overlapping discourses of family, home, ecology and nation. They focus on the crafts, minds, bodies and subjectivities of a diverse group of women making kin with the human and non-human world as they navigate their lives.

From ruminations on caregiving, to surreal interspecies encounters, to indegenous ways of knowing, these women chart a new path on the map of Singapore's literary scene, writing urgently about gender, culture, climate change, reciprocity, and other critical environmental issues.

In a climate-changed world where vital connections are lost, Making Kin is an essential collection that blurs boundaries between the personal and the political. It is a revolutionary approach towards intersectional environmentalism.

Purchase a copy at, or grab them from Kinokuniya, @epigrambooks and at @themoonsg.

September 2021